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Born in South Korea, SunYoung “Sunny” Park (b.1988) started violin at age six and began her composition studies at seventeen. Since then, her works have been performed internationally and in some of the world’s top concert halls. Most recently, she won the 44th Pan Music Festival International Competition with Pierrotfor Violin and Piano. It was the piece she was commissioned to write for violin and piano by a Munich violinist Mariella Haubs, which was originally premiered in Gasteig, Munich Germany. As the winner of the prestigious New Juilliard Ensemble (NJE) competition, SunYoung was commissioned to write Legend, a chamber ensemble work that premiered at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall. The New York edition of The Korea Timesapplauded her experiment of combining Western music with Eastern sound, with a particularly Korean sound. One of her most recent performance of the piano trio, HEEM, performed by Allant Trio in New York gained a big success: the trio and the piece, HEEM,was invited to perform in Carnegie Weill Recital Hall. Her music has been performed in concert halls including Gasteig Hall of Germany; Alice Tully Hall, the Juilliard School, Korean cultural Center of NY; Suntory Hall, Izumi Hall of Japan; Central Conservatory of China; Opera House of Vietnam; the Keum-Ho Art Center, An-Yang City Hall, Seoul Art Center, Lotte Art Center of Korea. 

The daughter of celebrated Korean composer Jungsun Park, SunYoung’s choral and vocal music career began early. Most recently, her choral work Arirang Jazz versionand Jat Sound (잣떨어져요)were published by Jubilate Music Alliance in March 2018. Her most popularly performed work is Alpha and Omega, which was published in Joong-Ang Church Choral Series book by JoongAng Art; and I will dwell in his house (Psalm 23), forever written for the SATB acapella choir was also published by Ki-Um publishing company.


SunYoung is also a co-founder, South Korea Director of Asia/America New Music Institute(AANMI) since 2013. It is a non-profit organization that promotes new music relationships between Asia and the Americas.AANMI’s recent album, Trendcendent (Delos), as well as her music is gaining great reviews from many prestigious magazines such as Gramophone, UK and Stereophile: "Transcendent' speaks volumes for the high level of creativity flourishing in the 21st century."With group of composers all over the world affiliated with AANMI, SunYoung has traveled to Thailand (Thailand International Composers Festival), USA, Vietnam (Asia-Europe New Music), Japan, Korea, China (Beijing Modern Music Festival) and Singapore in 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 season. In 2017-2018 season, she travelled to Japan to give concerts in 6 different cities, funded by US Embassy in Japan. 


As a 2019 Grand Valley State University’s composer-in-residence, she spent 6 years at The Juilliard School, where she received her Master of Music (MM) under Christopher Rouse and her Bachelor of Music (BM) under Samuel Adler. She recently finished her Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree at Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University under Kevin Puts.


SunYoung is working in the Orchestral Studies Program at Stanford University, Department of Music. She is also working as a composer/ arranger of motion picture music as a member of the Invisible Sea Productions. As a composer, most recently, she assisted in orchestrating an orchestral suite of Joe Hisaishi’s music from the Studio Ghibli film Kiki’s Delivery Service for a concert tour that would take place that year. She also has taught composition, music theory and ear training at Pasadena City College, music department, for two years as an adjunct professor. 

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작곡가; 박선영 / SunYoung Park

1988년 서울태생으로 6세 때 부터 바이올린공부를 시작으로 음악의 길에 들어선 박선영은 예원학교 재학 중 미국 유학길에 올라 17세 때 부터 작곡으로 전공을 바꾸어 The Juilliard School에 입학하였다. 학사(BM. Christopher Rouse)와 석사(MM. Samuel Adler)를 줄리아드에서 마친 후 Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University에서 음악이론 조교로 일하며 작곡과 박사학위 (DMA. Kevin Puts)를 졸업하였다. Juilliard 재학 중 관현악곡 " Legend "가 'New Juilliard Ensemble (NJE)‘작품 콩쿨에 입상하여 Lincoln Center, Alice Tully Hall에서 연주되었으며 2014년 3월에는 뉴욕 Carnegie Weill Recital Hall에서 Allant Trio의 위촉으로 피아노 트리오 HEEM(힘)이 초연되어 New York Concert Review와 미주한국일보에서 찬사를 받기도 하였다.

2015년 5월에는 ’한국 피아니스트가 애호하는 작곡가‘로 선정되어, 한국피아노협회 소속 피아니스트들과 함께 예술의 전당에서 작품을 발표 하였으며, ‘제 44회 범 음악제’ 콩쿨에 Pierrot for violin and piano작품이 선정되어 연주되었다. 2016년 4월에는 한국 아시아 작곡가 연맹 (ACL-Korea)의 국제음악제에 작곡가 박선영이 활동중인 AANMI (Asia-America New Music Institute)소속 작곡가들이 초청되어 바이올리니스트 Ryu Goto의 연주로 바이올린과 실내악을 위한 Annex가 발표되었다.

현재 AANMI ( 단체의 공동 창설자로 한국 디렉터 및 작곡가로 활동하고 있으며 2014-2017년 시즌 연주를 성황리에 마치고 (한국, 일본, 태국, 미국, 베트남, 중국, 싱가포르 등) 2018년 여름에는 일본 Suntory Hall을 포함, 2주에 걸친 작품발표 투어를 기획 및 연주하였다. 다가올 2020년 도쿄올림픽을 위한 연주 역시 미국 정부로부터 지원받아 공연 기획을 준비하고 있다. 또한 2018년 여름 AANMI의 첫 앨범, Transcendent가출시되었다. 현재작곡가 박선영은 InvisiblE sea productions 회사 소속의 작곡가로서 영화음악작/편곡을 하고 있으며 Stanford University 음악대학 관현악부에 재직중이다. 이전에는 Pasadena city college (파사데나 시립대학)에서 음악이론과 겸임교수로 가르쳤다.

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